Spiritual Force Ministries Deliverance Center
If My People.... 2 Chronicle 7:14
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Prayer of the Month 


If My People Prayer

2 Chronicles 7:14

"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land."

Father, In the Name of Jesus. We come boldly to Your Throne of Grace proclaiming Your Holy Word in this prayer concerning Your people and our land today. You said that the church of the Lord Jesus Christ are Your people, Christians, Leadership, Apostles, Prophets, Prophetess, Preachers, Pastors, Teachers, Evangelist, Choir Members, Deacons, Deaconess, Missionaries, Nurses, Ushers, Youth Leaders, Armor-Bearers, Intercessors, Prayer Warriors, Ministers, Reverends, Bishops, Ordinary People, Young People, Singers, Psalmists, Altar Workers, Lay Members and all persons that are saved can call upon Your Name Jesus. So right now we are calling upon Your Holy Name Jesus. That Name that is above all names and has all power and authority to do anything but fail we are calling You, Jesus. Oh! Jesus we need a move in the hearts of Your people to humble ourselves before Your mighty hand and pray. Oh, Jesus let us be meek, submissive, obedient, lowly and come out of our prideful ways and pray. Jesus we are asking that You give us a praying spirit, Jesus create in us a clean heart and renew in us a right spirit give us Your Holy Spirit this day to pray, In Jesus Name.

let us pray without ceasing against everything that is not like You. Break off the rebelliousness and religious spirits against the things of God upon us this day. Jesus teach us how to pray. Jesus bring prayer back into the hearts of Your people in the United States of America, our Schools, Churches, Homes, the White House, Government and Communities. Jesus You said that we can call upon You, and then go to You in prayer, that You will hear us and You will answer us. So Jesus we will seek You, and find You, when we pray with all our heart. Jesus let us REPENT and truly turn away from our wicked ways; our sins, sins of commission, sins of omission, iniquities, trespasses, transgressions, disobedience, greed, lying, hypocrisy, judgmental, idolatry, jealousy, perversion, witchcraft, pride and all wickedness that is in the land. Bring us back to "In God We Trust" and "One Nation Under God". Jesus this is a Christian country that was founded on Godly morals and standards that came from the Bible, In Jesus Name.

Jesus we want to hear from You and from heaven with instructions and directions to come out of our sleep and wake-up to hear, to move and to obey Your Voice, In Jesus Name. We ask for forgiveness now and we thank You Jesus for forgiving us, In Jesus Name. So that this land can be healed, we openly admit our sins to You and repent to You now, In Jesus Name. Rain on us revelation to be healed Jesus. We bind every imagination, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ, In Jesus Name. We loose Your Glory, Your Name and Your Blood to be revealed in the land, In Jesus Name. Amen!

Apostle Jocyln N. Franklin © 12-6-09

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