Spiritual Force Ministries Deliverance Center
If My People.... 2 Chronicle 7:14
News & Updates




Spiritual Force Ministries

Apostle Jocyln N. Franklin is the founder and ministry leader of: Spiritual Force Ministries, which started in 1990. Jocyln just wanted to sing and pray but God had a bigger plan.

This ministry started as a praise and worship team, but God has allowed it to evolve into much more. The ministry consists of powerful intercessors and leaders of the gospel of Jesus Christ; they are Apostles, Prophets, Prophetess, Evangelists, Teachers, Preachers, Bishops, Pastors, The Five Fold Ministry Gifts, Psalmists, Singers, Dancers, that are spirit-filled with the Apostolic Prophetic anointing of God in their life.


SFM Team Members

Debra Blair - Regina Conceller - John H. Franklin, Sr. - Creacia Knight - Joann Lawson - Delsenia Lee -Monique Sheppard - William Sheppard, Sr.- Daniel Teague - Nicole Teague - Debra Wilson - Sabrina Wilson - Bessie Terrell

Ministry Availability

Praise & Worship/Conferences/Weapons of Warfare Summits/ Out Reach Evangelizing/Prayer Vigils/ Prayer Breakfast/Seminars Revivals/Workshops/ Prayer Request Intercessory Prayer/ Preaching & Training

Because of Him Specialty
Services & Hekima Ventures
Monique Sheppard, Consultant 
216- 375-5715


Copyright (c)2009 Spiritual Force Ministries Deliverance Center